Basic mobile Apps for Cash Back
Why Whitelabel?

Whitelabel – this is the base part of your application that we pre-developed for you on our own. It possesses all features that attract and useful for your users and clients. We are in the cashback, deals, coupons, and rebates business.
We know what you are thinking about and what you want to see and you get it from this application. We have been working on it constantly and this whitelabel – is the base we create your app on. You pay only for your design, integration of your API, and your working languages implementation.

And that is because we have manage to make such an all-purpose solution for you. It has price about three times as less as an average native solution. That what makes it so cost-effective.
Functionality Whitelabel Mobile Apps
We create an attractive and functional interface, which increases usability and makes cashback shopping comfortable and effective. The Mobile App will help you to expand your audience because 60 % of shopping traffic is mobile. With 15 years of experience, we are working on the concept of native applications, user interaction, animation and visual design.
Main Functional
The top deals list. It is located and visualized as cards and includes the following information: brand names, logo / favicon of the shop, cashback info and its expiry date, coupons info and ‘share it with your friend’ feature.
The top deals you have and want to deliver to your users in the first place. It is located in the very top of your application – at the screen top. The announcements can be scrolled around automatically by themselves.
This is the list of the favourite stores and shops: the brand name, logo, cashback available, share it with your friends link.
An alphabetical list of all stores and summary information about cashback deals. The items in this list can be filtered by keywords in the search field on the top of the screen. By tapping on the stores list item a new screen loads showing relevant store and deals information.
The store details screen displays summary information about cashback deals and a list of proposed deals. By tapping on that banner a user can instantly shop the chosen deal.
Categories you can choose the category that is interesting and browse shops within this category.
You can share a link to mobile app or with a link to a shop with your friends.
Personal Information
Registration, password recovery, sign-in through social networks Facebook and Google.
On this screen the user can manage their account details and view their cashback history.
User’s account details: name, e-mail, cashback available.
A clean, crisp navigation panel screen displays main app features so the user can quickly jump to their desired area.
A Google Cloud Messaging client that receives broadcast messages from a secure 3rd party customer server. The notification displays in the notification area even if the application is closed. Messages can contain short information about new Hot Deals available to stimulate purchases.
Even when disconnected your application will show your users the necessary information, i. e. the lists of stores, cashback information, user’s data, and user’s history.
It configures deep links across all the application. Universal reference. When you want to share any proposal with your friend, you send them a link. This link, he can open both on a computer and a mobile device. If the application is not installed – with the help of DEEPLINKING it installs and opens that page as an offer link.
The opportunity to evaluate mobile application store.
Mobile Apps
for Cash Back, Coupons and Charity Business!
- Access to Android/Apple Developer program
- Facebook app id
- Google configuration file
- Description Application Design
- Logos, icons for applications
- The following text names, description
- Your server should implement the following API